• 99 Pure Kusumkali Payal for females
  • 99 Pure Kusumkali Payal for females
  • 99 Pure Kusumkali Payal for females

99% Pure Kusumkali Payal for females

Rating5/5 based on 1 reviews
US $ 128.53
(Inclusive of all taxes)
99% Pure Kusumkali Payal for Females

99% Pure Kusumkali Payal for Females - 99% शुद्ध कुसुमकली पायल महिलाओं के लिए

Attribute Description (English/Hindi)
Product Name 99% Pure Kusumkali Payal for Females / 99% शुद्ध कुसुमकली पायल महिलाओं के लिए
Material 99.9% Pure Silver / 99.9% शुद्ध चांदी
Design 4-petal flower design with round balls at bottom (round front, flat back) / 4-पंखुड़ी फूल का डिज़ाइन, गोलियां नीचे लगी हुई (आगे से गोल, पीछे से सपाट)
Length (9 inch) 66 grams / 66 ग्राम
Length (10 inch) 74 grams / 74 ग्राम
Length (11 inch) 82 grams / 82 ग्राम
Comfort & Look Highly comfortable and elegant on legs / पैरों पर बेहद आरामदायक और सुंदर
Country of Origin: India
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99% Pure Kusumkali Payal for Females

99% Pure Kusumkali Payal for Females - 99% शुद्ध कुसुमकली पायल महिलाओं के लिए

Product Description (Detailed) / उत्पाद विवरण

The 99% Pure Kusumkali Payal is an elegantly designed silver anklet, beautifully crafted with a 4-petal flower motif and balls at the bottom, providing a perfect combination of elegance and comfort. This payal is made from 99.9% pure silver, ensuring both style and health benefits for women. Available in three sizes: 9 inch (66 grams), 10 inch (74 grams), and 11 inch (82 grams), this payal is perfect for everyday wear, festivals, and special occasions.

Scientific Benefits / वैज्ञानिक लाभ

  • Silver has antimicrobial properties that help in maintaining skin health by reducing bacterial infections, making it beneficial to wear on legs.
  • Wearing silver payal helps in maintaining body temperature and improving blood circulation, leading to better foot health and overall well-being.
  • According to Ayurveda, wearing silver ornaments on feet can help in balancing energy and providing calmness to the wearer.

Astrological Significance / ज्योतिषीय महत्व

  • In Vedic astrology, silver is associated with the Moon, symbolizing calmness and mental peace. Wearing silver payal enhances emotional stability and promotes positive energy.
  • Silver is known to attract positive vibrations and is believed to improve a woman’s overall prosperity and mental health.

16 Shringar Connection / 16 श्रृंगार से संबंध

Payal is an integral part of the 16 Shringar, a traditional beautification ritual in Indian culture. Wearing payal completes the adornment process for women, enhancing their femininity and grace. The jingling sound of payal is considered auspicious and is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to the home.

इस पायल का डिजाइन और शुद्धता इसे महिलाओं के सौंदर्य और स्वास्थ्य दोनों के लिए आदर्श बनाता है। 16 श्रृंगार में शामिल यह पायल न केवल महिलाओं को शारीरिक रूप से स्वस्थ रखता है, बल्कि ज्योतिषीय और सांस्कृतिक रूप से भी उनके जीवन में शुभता और शांति लाता है।

Why Women Should Wear / महिलाएं क्यों पहनें

  • This payal provides a complete look for women, making them feel confident and beautiful.
  • It connects with the deeper cultural and astrological beliefs, ensuring a balance of positive energy in the wearer’s life.
  • Scientifically, it offers health benefits, improving foot circulation and balancing energy.

In essence, the 99% Pure Kusumkali Payal is not just a piece of jewelry, but a symbol of beauty, tradition, and well-being.


Rating 5/5 based on 1 reviews

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