हिन्दी | English |
वजन (मध्यम): लगभग 1800 ग्राम (1 किलोग्राम 800 ग्राम) | Weight (Medium): 1800gm Approx (1kg 800gm) |
वजन (मध्यम-लार्ज): लगभग 2450 ग्राम (2 किलोग्राम 450 ग्राम) | Weight (Medium-Large): 2450gm Approx (2kg 450gm) |
व्यास (मध्यम): 35.2 सेमी | Diameter (Medium): 35.2cm |
व्यास (मध्यम-लार्ज): 40 सेमी | Diameter (Medium-Large): 40cm |
आधार व्यास (मध्यम): 26.8 सेमी | Base Diameter (Medium): 26.8cm |
आधार व्यास (मध्यम-लार्ज): 29 सेमी | Base Diameter (Medium-Large): 29cm |
ऊंचाई (दोनों): 5 सेमी | Height (Both): 5cm |
गहराई (दोनों): 4.8 सेमी | Depth (Both): 4.8cm |
चादर की मोटाई (दोनों): लगभग 2 मिमी | Thickness of Sheet (Both): 2mm Approx |
ध्यान दें (मध्यम): "5-6 लोगों के लिए आटा गूंधने के लिए पर्याप्त आकार।" | Note (Medium): "Sufficient size to knead dough for 5-6 people." |
ध्यान दें (मध्यम-लार्ज): "7-8 लोगों के लिए आटा गूंधने के लिए पर्याप्त आकार।" | Note (Medium-Large): "Sufficient size to knead dough for 7-8 people." |
यहाँ पर आपको तीन प्रकार की परात दिखाई देंगी -
१. सादा परात, २. कलाई करी हुई परात , ३. मठार करी हुई परात जो की निम्न हैं -Explore Tradition and Modern Style in Chakradhari Ritika Brass Parat
Made from the Finest Ritika Brass
At Chakradhari, our genuine brass parats are made from Ritika Brass as per Ayurveda—a special alloy that consists of 2 parts Nepali copper and 1 part pure zinc. The purity of each metal is maintained at 99.9%, ensuring consistency in its sanctity, strength, heat tolerance, and other qualities. With a thickness of 2 mm, each parat is designed for durability and longevity, ensuring it can be passed down through generations. The substantial weight and energy of the metal help in maintaining the sanctity of the food prepared in it, adding more positivity to the meal due to its Ayurvedic qualities. This combination, highly regarded in Ayurvedic tradition, ensures the purity of the food prepared within it, making it completely lead-free and safe for mankind.
Types: Here you will find three types of parats:
1. Plain Ritika Brass Parat: Our Plain Ritika Brass Parat offers traditional charm and quality essential for kneading dough and preparing various dishes. This parat should not be placed directly on the stove. It is effective for kneading dough as it is non-reactive with acidic food items. This ideal parat is a staple in any kitchen, combining functionality with tradition.
2. Tinned Ritika Brass Parat: Combining tradition with modern food safety standards, our Tinned Ritika Brass Parat features a non-reactive tin coating that ensures your acidic food remains safe and free from metal reactivity. This tinned surface on Ritika Brass utensils is ideal for various cooking tasks, such as preparing dishes like jalebi or imarti, which require gentle and even heat when cooked in oil or ghee. It can also be used for kneading dough and can be placed on the stove. The tinned surface not only enhances food safety but also adds a radiant beauty to your kitchen.
3. Ritika Brass Hammered Parat: Our Hammered Parat is strengthened through traditional hammering techniques, which enhance its durability and robustness. This crafting process not only fortifies the parat but also gives it a unique, artisanal look that enhances its aesthetic appeal. This parat is particularly suitable for heavy-duty use. It is mainly used for kneading dough, with differences in craftsmanship and aesthetics. It is not used for cooking food.
Summary - Safety and Aesthetics:
Chakradhari Ritika Brass Parats are designed to ensure both safety and aesthetic pleasure. Non-tinned plain and hammered styles are ideal for kneading dough, while the tinned one can also be used for cooking food.
Care Instructions:
To maintain the pristine condition of your Chakradhari Ritika Brass Parat, we recommend cleaning it with a mixture of lime juice or tamarind and soda, using a jute scrubber. This method ensures thorough cleaning without harming the metal surface, preserving both its functionality and luster.
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